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        What Will Be the Most Desirable Status Symbols in the Greater Depression?

        July 7, 2020

        Virtue-signaling texts from your $100 million yacht no longer impress, they enrage.

        For the past five decades, celebrities and other wealthy folks have sought conventionalstatus signifiers / symbols: a couple hundred thousand acres of ranchland, a luxebug-out bunker in New Zealand, a private islet in the Caribbean, a winery, amega-million dollar yacht, a hip bistro in Manhattan or Santa Monica, a sprawling mansion, and so on.

        The more civic-minded mega-millionaires donated enough dough to a university to get a buildingnamed after them (modesty is my middle name, etc.), funded a children's hospital or donatedsome of their couple hundred thousand acres of land to the Nature Conservancy or equivalentmainstream environmental group.

        Now that the bogus "prosperity" of past 20 years has imploded, the nation is slip-slidinginto the Greater Depression, and one consequence is that all these signifiers of obscene narcissismand ahem, privilege, will increasingly be viewed with extreme prejudice. (Look it up, along withthe film Apocalypse Now.)

        Put another way, all these signifiers of obscene narcissism will be, at a minimum,déclassé, veering perilously close to gauche embarrassment.

        Those $100 plates at the celeb's bistro and $90 bottles of wine at the celeb's winerymay be chump-change to the top-5-percenter customers anxious to be seen in your establishment, but they're a whole day's pay or more to those with real jobs in the real American economy.

        In the Great Depression, fantasy films about debonair, witty millionaires were viewed as escapist fare.(For example, The Thin Man who-dunnits). In the far more brittle and polarized GreaterDepression we're entering, extremes of wealth and privilege will be more likely to spark outrage.

        Once the tone-deaf celebs and super-wealthy awaken to this change in the zeitgeist, they willstage a land-rush into socially approved signifiers that will be designed to win the praiseof social-media influencers while subtly distancing the celebs and super-wealthy from merelywealthy wannabe's. (Creating that class distinction is of course the entire point of status symbols:only the truly wealthy can afford it.

        Merely donating cash or land and showing up once a year to fake participation will no longer cut it.Celebs and the wealthy who want to score status points are going to have to actually get involved,not to run the world or generate philanthro-capitalist propaganda, but actually do something real that locals appreciate as genuine.

        In other words, ditch the winery and the named campus building and start running a homelesshotel, upscale soup kitchen, etc., where regular people will see you doing something useful,not once a year but regularly and with sincerity.

        The ante will go up to set oneself apart from the run-of-the-mill narcissistic wealthy.Virtue-signaling texts from your $100 million yacht no longer impress, they enrage.

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        Will you be richer or poorer? What does the future hold for you--and for the world?

        Supposedly we're all getting richer, but many of us feel we’re becoming poorer. Why?

        This book tackles three critical questions:

        What if everything we don’t measure is worth more than financial wealth? Our obsession with financial capital is blinding us to a traumatizing global decline in other forms of wealth.

        Will artificial intelligence (A.I.) make us all richer? What if A.I. will only enrich the few who own the platforms and technology?

        Is our economic model dooming us? We’re told we all benefit as the super-rich get even richer, but what if the status quo only benefits those in power at the expense of everyone else--and our planet?

        Though we may not be politically powerful, we are far from powerless. This book will help you identify the things that truly matter, and accumulate capital that benefits you and your family--and our planet.

        Read the first section for free in PDF format.

        Will You Be Richer or Poorer?: Profit, Power and A.I. in a Traumatized World (15% discount in October, Kindle $5.95, print $10.95)

        Recent entries:

        What Will Be the Most Desirable Status Symbols in the Greater Depression?July 7, 2020

        What Makes You Think the Stock Market Will Even Exist in 2024?July 6, 2020

        How We Got Here: the Global Economy's 75-Year Stumble to the PrecipiceJuly 4, 2020

        Dancing Through the Geopolitical MinefieldJuly 2, 2020

        An Interesting Juncture in HistoryJuly 1, 2020

        The New Normal: Extremes of Neofeudalism, Incompetence, Authoritarianism and RelocalizationJune 30, 2020

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        Extra-Special Bonus Aphorisms:

        "There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity."
        (Douglas MacArthur)

        "We are what we repeatedly do." (Aristotle)

        "Do the thing and you shall have the power." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

        "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."(E.F. Schumacher, via Tom R.)

        "He who will not risk cannot win." (John Paul Jones)

        "When we drink coffee, ideas march in like the army." (Honore de Balzac)

        "Progress is not possible without deviation." (Frank Zappa, via Richard Metzger)

        "Victory favors those who take pains." (amat victoria curam)

        "The man who has a garden and a library has everything." (Cicero, via Lee Bentley)

        "A healthy homecooked family meal and a home garden are revolutionary acts." (CHS)

        "Do you know what amazes me more than anything else? The impotence of force to organize anything." (Napoleon Bonaparte)

        "The way of the Tao is reversal" Or "Reversal is the movement of Tao." (Lao Tzu)

        "Chance favours the prepared mind." (Louis Pasteur)

        "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." (Winston Churchill)

        "Where there is ruin, there is hope for treasures." (Rumi)

        "The realm of gratitude is boundless." (CHS, 11/25/15)

        "History doesn't have a reverse gear." (CHS, 12/22/15)

        Smith's Law of Conservation of Risk: Every sustained action has morethan one consequence. Some consequences will appear positive for a time before revealing their destructive nature. Some consequences will be intended, some will not. Some will be foreseeable, some will not. Some will be controllable, some will not. Those that are unforeseen and uncontrollable will trigger waves of other unforeseen and uncontrollable consequences. (July 8, 2014)(thanks to Lew G. for retitling the idea.)

        Smith's Neofeudalism Principle #1:If the citizenry cannot replace a kleptocratic authoritarian government and/or limit the power of the financial Aristocracy at the ballot box, the nation is a democracy in name only.

        The Smith Corollary to Metcalfe's Law (The Network Effect): the value of the network is created not just by the number of connected devices/usersbut by the value of the information and knowledge sharedby users in sub-networks and in the entire network. (CHS, 4/6/16)

        My Credo of Liberation: I no longer care if the power centers of our society--the distant, fortified castles of our financial feudal system--are changed by my actions, for I am liberated by the act of resistance. I am no longer complicit in perpetuating fraudulent feudalism and the pathology of concentrated power. I no longer covet signifiers of membership in the Upper Caste that serves the plutocracy. I am liberated from self-destructive consumerist-State financialization and the delusion that debt servitude and obedience to sociopathological Elites serve my self-interests.(Thank you, Klaus-Peter L., for reminding me)

        "We've become a culture of excuses rather than solutions: solutions alwaysrequire sustained effort and discipline." (CHS 4/9/16)

        "Fraud as a way of life caters an extravagant banquet of consequences." (CHS 4/14/16)

        "Creativity = problem solving = value creation." (CHS 6/4/16)

        "Truth is powerful because it is the core dynamic of solving problems." (CHS 7/21/17)

        "We live in a system of human emotions that masquerades as a science (economics)." (CHS 1/1/18)

        "Always remember, your focus determines your reality." (George Lucas)

        "Diversity is for poor people. Sameness is for the successful." (GFB)

        "When power dissipates suddenly, it dissipates completely." (CHS 7/14/19)

        "Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." (Henry David Thoreau)

        "Markets cannot price in the value of non-monetized natural assets such as diverse ecosystems." (CHS 7/14/19)

        click here for more Extra-Special Bonus Aphorisms.

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